YMCA Preschool signups are underway
The Henry County YMCA Preschool signups are underway for the 2023-24 school year.
The YMCA offers two preschool classes, with morning and afternoon classes available for each. The Scamper Class is for ages 3-4 and Kinder Class is for those who will be entering kindergarten in the fall of 2025.
In both classes, children will learn social-emotional skills, cognitive and problem-solving skills, large and small motor skills, language and communication, early literacy, and self-help skills. Additionally, preschoolers will receive weekly swim lessons and regular active playtime.
The YMCA is located at 300 Wittenbraker Avenue, New Castle, IN 47362. Any questions can be directed to April Burcham (ABurcham@HenryCountyYMCA.org) or by visiting the front desk at the YMCA.
For more information about the YMCA preschool, visit www.henrycountyymca.org/